Sunday 11 March 2012

InSIde Unisel Medical LAboratories..=D

TAK cukup berminat nk JOIN BIOMEDIC course MLT/MLS??
PleaZe view my pictures...

maybe something might change..=D

Okay laaa..niy cerita KAMI bdk2 MLT..xperlu serius sentiasa pun..
RILEK skit aaaa...

niy adalah rupe tikus after kne "bukak BAJU" yee...
tissue organ...

see the "MICKEY MOUSE"..hensem kan??

processing Blood AGAR(BA), Mc Conkey Agar, Nutrient Agar  and Choclate Agar...

niyh AKU join skali nk process AGAR dlm bentuk Liquid before sejukkan utk jd AGAR2..hahaha!!

Derma DARAH di UNISEL...

Carbohydrate testing..

 histology technique class..usha dulu VID niy..=)

1 comment:

  1. ksian kt tikus 2 kne mnjalani pmbedahan,pas2 out tros..hehe..
